Back to basics-Back to Capri Style


When we think of the Capri style what are the "must" elements that immediately come to mind? Let's guess: Capri pants , sandals , bells , oversize sunglasses , straw hats and multicolor scarves ? ... Even !  Capri fashion has lived under an "international spotlight" ; Anyone who travels on the blue island  brings at home a piece of Capri , something that will not be found elsewhere . What distinguishes our style around the world is a single characteristic less complex than you might think : Simplicity . Over the years Capri fashion remained unchanged , everything that was worn with extreme ease by stars like Jackie O ' , Brigitte Bardot and Sophia Loren during the holidays Capri has never become out of fashion ( never would say that this is a look over 50 years ago ? don't  you find it extremely timely ? ) Yes, the local artisans have ventured into new trials especially in the field of textiles , materials and patterns but never like today in Capri exudes a desire to return . There is a contrast to the increasingly rampant " back to basics "! Who goes to Capri is tired of buying in the classic luxury boutique where you can certainly find wonderful items but available in any other part of the world . Here therefore tourists of all nationalities wandering among the various shops of the island in search of the must piece to take with them . Those who choose this shopping assumes that what they will purchase is not available anywhere else. None handmade Capri creation is reproducible as the original if not by local craftsmen . Never before in recent years we see again tourists wandering the streets of the island with a straw hat , jacket in linen and capri sandal at feet. Could you find something finer ? We do not! Since there is nothing more elegant than simplicity . That's Capri ( Click on the image to share!)